DreamKids from Africa

I was very fortunate last week to see the African Children's Choir perform in Toronto. I had actually not heard of this group before and I was so moved by them and their mission, I had to highlight them in our blog -- they are true DreamKids in Action.
The Choir is comprised of children ages seven to eleven. Many of the children have lost one or both parents to poverty or disease. They perform throughout the world as ambassadors for all children in Africa who have become orphans because of the AIDS pandemic.

The goal of the Choir is to raise awareness and financial support for the desperate situation of children in Africa. Monies are used to support schools in Uganda, fund educational scholarhips and provide emergency relief efforts. Their mission is simple: to help Africa's most vulnerable children today, so they can help Africa tomorrow.
Watching these children perform and listening to their music, I can tell you, is pure joy =) Their smiling faces and beautiful voices are so inspiring...I encourage people to visit their site and learn more about the African Children's Choir: http://www.africanchildrenschoir.com/